And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
The Peekskill SDA Church Women’s Ministry is committed to strengthen and encourage women in their various stages of life, while providing support for their spiritual, emotional, physical, and social needs.
Several functions are organized throughout the year.
Please come and join us!
Ladies' Picnic
All ladies, young and old, are invited to a Ladies’ Picnic at the Peekskill Riverfront! Come for conversation, Bible activities, laughter, and fun! Please bring a friend and your favorite summer dish to share.
Beverages and desserts will be provided.
Date: Next Event TBA
Time: TBA
Location: Peekskill Riverfront Green Park
Coordinator: Elly Edson, Woman’s Ministry Dir.
Ladies' Game Night
All ladies, young and old, are invited to a Ladies Game Night!
Come for conversation, games, laughter, and fun!
Refreshments will be served. Please bring a friend!
Date: Next Event TBA
Time: TBA
Location: Dining Room (downstairs)
Coordinator: Elly Edson, Woman’s Ministry Dir.